Macgregor Owner Reviews

Serving sailors online since 1997

Review of the Macgregor 26D by Greg

Year built 1990  
Location of boat Eagel Creek Sailing Club  
The boat is sailed on Lakes  
How the boat is used Weekends and longer  
Normal wind strength 10-15 knots  
Average size of crew 2-4  
Liveaboard? No  
Owner bought the boat in 2007  
If the clock could be turned back, would owner buy again? Yes, easy to launch, easy to trailer, easy to sail great for a beginner cruiser like me who moved up from a Hobie. Water balast is great and easy to use, sails good for me, im not into racing we like to cruise around spend the night on the boat and have some guests over for cruise and drinks. As a beginner at cruising I cannot imagine an easier boat to learn on and one that can take you to the next level if you wish. My 1990 has been well maintained and extra clean, hope you find one like it if you looking for a Macgregor.  
Gear that's been added Prevoius owner has a screen cover made for the pop up main hatch, works great for airflow during evening sleep aboard's really suggest this if you can find one.  
Structural or complex improvements none  
The boat's best features same as previous mentioned. Easy to launch, and trailer on the water its fun and a great social boat.  
Problem areas in terms of design, materials, maintenance, etc. I wish I could raise or lower the center board from the cockpit instead of having to run below to lower, only complaint but such a little inconvience.  
Sailing characterisitcs I dont have years of cruiser experience to compare it to but as a beginner its great!!  
Motoring characterisitcs Limit to 10hp at our lake, as far as I am concerned it works great old 1991 9.9hp Johnson works great easy to start and tilt up out of the water when under sail. When you keep the center board up it will spin on its axis easily.  
Liveability comfortable for two, maybe 4 ok but like it with just the two of us.  
The owner's experience in dealing with Hunter (if any) N/A bought from private owner.  
The owner's experience with the boat dealer or broker, if any N/A  
Other comments Its a great boat get one and have fun, small or big lakes, costal sailing this model can do it all and give you great experience learning.  

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