Macgregor Owner Reviews

Serving sailors online since 1997

Review of the Macgregor 26D by David Holmes

Year built 1992  
Location of boat United kingdom north  
The boat is sailed on Bays, sounds, or protected salt water  
How the boat is used Multi-week coastal cruising  
Normal wind strength 16-22 knots  
Average size of crew 2-4  
Liveaboard? No  
Owner bought the boat in uk  
If the clock could be turned back, would owner buy again? I had a mac 26c(m)that was badly damaged when the mooring strop broke in a storm Jan this year. My insurance company declared it an uneconomical repair as the water ballast tank had cracked and the mast broke.Having owned the boat for 6 years i was highly delighted with it and carried out many improvements i have now replaced her with another one a year newer same model.  
Gear that's been added I have added clutches for the halyards all led back to the cockpit a 6/1 kicker again led back to the cockpit.The mainsheet now has a Harken traveller system. I have slab reefing with proper pulley systems and fairleads very quick to reef(essential in a mac in a blow)  
Structural or complex improvements I have a sprayhood that fits around the sliding hatch and can be left up whilst sailing(makes sitting on the companionway step looking forward most comfortable ,the wifes favourite position) I have fitted a 13gallon flexible water tank with deck filler (extra water ballast)  
The boat's best features By far the best feature is the water ballast system enabling the boat to be trailed quite easily followed by the ease of launch and recovery(does exactly what it says on the can, i mean video).She sails like a dream in the right condition can outpace much larger yachts.  
Problem areas in terms of design, materials, maintenance, etc. The first inpression on sailing my boat was that the rudder had a design flaw, not big enough, the uk association had forums and it was suggested to add 1.5inches to the leading edge what a difference.I have scince bought a new rudder from ida sailor in america which is also a little longer, squared off at the bottom and has the extended leading edge also its a proper foil shape.  
Sailing characterisitcs I have sailed the mac in wind up to force seven(well reefed of course)there is no speed advantage to be had by hanging on to too much canvas for the wind strength it only stresses the rig. The only time i have struggled to make headway is in short sharp wave patterns but this is due to the light weight (only to be expected)freeing off a little and sacrificing windward progress is the answer.  
Motoring characterisitcs  
Liveability We tend to take between one and two week cruises two of us, headroom is the main limitation but whilst in marinas or on moorings the pop top is very useful.  
The owner's experience in dealing with Hunter (if any)  
The owner's experience with the boat dealer or broker, if any Both my boats wre bought privately  
Other comments  

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